Celebrating 10 Years of Service!
This month marks 10 years of serving our community. We are humbled and honored to be part of your care and health. With thanks to our...

A Very Happy Holiday
Happy December, everyone! As we head into another Christmas season and get ready for 2016, I thought I’d plant a little seed of...

Choose Health
Each day we have multiple opportunities to make healthy choices. We can choose a healthy meal over a less healthy meal. We can choose...

EMB is Turning 3!!
Three years ago this month, you welcomed us into the community and made us part of your health. We couldn’t be more thankful. Our...

3 Tips to Re-focus, Re-energize and Re-connect.
3 Tips to Re-focus, Re-energize and Re-connect. Autumn – hard to believe that Autumn is here and, before you know it, we’re into the...

What is Integrative Medicine? And Why It’s Important for You and Your Loved Ones
Integrative Medicine combines the best of alternative and complementary treatments with mainstream modern medicine and psychology to...

Wishing you a transformative 2013
Essential Mind and Body is kicking off 2013 with a great start. Dr. Faith Holt, Acupuncture Physician has joined our team so we can...

New Year, New You
2013 is just about here. Are you excited? The end of a calendar year and the beginning of a new one provides an excellent time marker...