- Dr. Koch & The EMB Team!

Dr. Koch and the team at Essential Mind and Body have created a refreshing change from a typical chiropractor’s office. We are the experts in the mind/body connection and promote whole body health through Integrative Medicine. Integrative medicine combines the best of alternative and complementary treatments with mainstream modern medicine and psychology to provide care for the whole person: in body and mind. Our objective is clear: to help you live more fully, cope better with medical conditions, control symptoms, and participate more actively in your health.
We start with a strong structural and muscular foundation through chiropractic and
massage. We help restore your natural flow of energy through acupuncture. We nourish your body from the inside out with whole food nutrition and all-natural, whole food supplementation. And we help you rebalance and raise your game through emotional support and life coaching. This is the power of Essential Mind and Body.
Our approach is all natural, prescription-free, and designed around your individual needs – as patients and people. This is our mission because we’ve been there – we know what a difference it makes to have the support you need to keep you healthy in good times, and provide you with resiliency and help speed recovery when times get challenging. We take many types of insurance and we offer a variety of customized corporate wellness plans.
We regularly and effectively treat back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, joint pain, moms-to-be, kids, sleep conditions, women's health concerns, injuries from accidents, athletes in training, seniors, migraines and headaches, and many more. We care as much about peak performance as we do about healthy healing.
At Essential Mind and Body, we want you to live your best life. One that excites you, nourishes you, and gives you the tools you need to be healthy in body and mindset. Experience the difference at Essential Mind and Body.
We proudly accept many insurance plans including United Healthcare, CIGNA, Florida Blue, and Medicare. Click here to learn more.
© 2018 by Essential Mind and Body. Essential Mind and Body is a registered trademark. All Rights Reserved.
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415 E. Michigan Street
Orlando, FL 32806
Email: info@essentialmb.net
Tel: 407-423-1616
Fax: 407-423-1889
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Monday - Wednesday - Friday
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Tuesday - Thursday
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Saturday (Acupuncture and Massage)