New Year, New You

2013 is just about here. Are you excited?
The end of a calendar year and the beginning of a new one provides an excellent time marker for what the past year has been, and what’s in store for the new one. It’s a time for reflection and, as we like to say, thinking “BIG”.
Life has its ups and downs, its good times and rough spots, and its twists and turns. Some of us will make career or job changes in the new year. Some of us voluntarily, some of us, perhaps not. Some of us will fall in love, and some of us will fall out of love. New family members and friends will come into the picture, and some might leave. All of these things are part of our daily lives.
What each one of these experiences provides is an opportunity to create and move toward the kind of life that excites you and the kind of person you want to be.
Often times in our coaching program, we find that people have gotten so caught up in the demands of everyday living that they have lost touch with what really drives them – what gets them excited about life – no matter what the circumstances. This can be a difficult place for some of us – it’s hard to know where to start. That’s where the key is – you just start. Using a pen and paper can be very helpful here and no one expects it to be easy or perfect in the early days. The important part is to use the time to reflect on who you are and where you want to be, paying particular attention to those aspects that put a smile on your face and fill you with positive energy. In other words – those aspects that excite you. Even in the darkest of times, a smile from a loved one, an arm around your shoulders, or some caring words can help you through and contribute to your overall character and your vision of you. And when things are going your way, they can invigorate you, inspire you and be a catalyst for creating an amazing life for yourself.
At Essential Mind and Body, we want you to live your best life. One that excites you, nourishes you, and gives you the tools you need to be healthy in mindset and body. Our programs are designed with this in mind. Learn more about what we do on our website or call today to start your journey.
Yours in good health,
Dr. Robert Koch