3 Tips to Re-focus, Re-energize and Re-connect.

3 Tips to Re-focus, Re-energize and Re-connect.
Autumn – hard to believe that Autumn is here and, before you know it, we’re into the holidays. For some of us, 2013 has just blown by, and for some others of us, 2013 has been a year of challenges and we are ready to turn the page. In either case, we at Essential Mind and Body have three great tips to help you re-focus, re-energize and re-connect.
The power of a few deep breaths. When life feels like it’s rushing by, or when the challenges of life feel overwhelming, take a pause for 10 deeps breaths and notice how they help you feel calmer and more grounded. Need a reminder? Schedule daily deep breath breaks on your calendar.
Take a walk. Moving your body has countless benefits for your body, but did you know it’s good for your mind as well? Light to moderate exercise helps you clear your head and feel refreshed and re-connected. At least 30 minutes of walking, 2 to 3 times a week is all you need. Need some encouragement? Post on Facebook when you plan to walk and ask your friends to cheer you on.
Move that energy. Acupuncture is a great way to start moving your energy and cleaning out any stagnation that has built up during the heat of the summer. Through the stimulation of key points on the body, acupuncture can help you re-energize your body and feel good.
Fall is a great time to focus on your health and wellness. Being pro-active about your health helps you manage the stress (and weight gain) of the holidays. Chiropractic adjustments, a healthy meal plan and balanced energy will help you feel great throughout the Autumn season. Essential Mind and Body has the tools you need to be your best this Fall and all year long. Call today for an appointment or learn more on our website. 407-423-1616. www.essentialmb.com.
Yours in good health,
Dr. Robert Koch