Exploring the “Mind” part of Essential Mind and Body.

At Essential Mind and Body, we believe there is a strong connection between being healthy in the body and healthy in the mind. One of the ways to have a healthy mind is to be mindful – but not everyone has a clear view on what being mindful means. Mindfulness is being aware of how you experience yourself, your surroundings, and the events that happen to and around you. We are all so caught up in being busy and taking calls and sending messages, that taking a moment for ourselves is a real luxury. But in taking these moments for ourselves, we refresh, revitalize and renew our minds and are better ready to take on the tasks ahead of us. Cultivating mindfulness takes practice. In fact, for many people it’s a daily practice of quieting the mind through meditation or other techniques. Once you find the technique or techniques that work for you, the results can be very rewarding.
Want to learn more? We will be having a 3-part mindfulness series with Coach Melissa this Spring with signups starting in March. Group size will be limited and it will be a great way to explore mindfulness and find techniques that work for you.
Yours in good health,
Dr. Robert Koch